Friday, October 27, 2006

Historical Posts

Since I love this blog so much, I'm going to repost all the announcements I posted on the original update page. So here goes:

Originally posted on June 11, 2006,

Thanks to my summer internship no new scripts are posted, but I've made some corrections (formatting, word-choices, grammatical mistakes, etc.) in the scripts as well as the site in general.

Originally posted on May 30, 2006,

Script for WALK THE LINE. It was written a long time ago, but now it is finally formatted. I really don't see why the critics love this movie so much. Further work on this site needs to be done.

Originally posted on May 23, 2006

Launch date. I have been piling up scripts that I wrote for personal entertainment for ages, just so you know I didn't write all those scripts in a split second. Thanks for coming and please browse around.

  • Brokeback Mountain Entry: An okay movie that screams for serious attention.

  • Star Wars Episode III: Gosh, I spent 36 hours on the script!!!!

  • Gone With The Wind: I've been hating this movie for a long time. Finally have the means to attack it.

  • Overboard: I would have never watched this movie had I not been forced to, but my aunt was being really determined. This movie sucks like hell, by the way.
  • Labels: , ,

    Makeover ...DONE!

    Finally the revolution is over! I can now sit back and relax and be proud of myself, while you can also sit back and relax for another three months devoid of annoying updates.



    Please use Mozilla Firefox as your web browser when you view the contents of this website! I admit – and it certainly took me some time – Celtx the script formatter (the only script program available to me) was indeed designed for and only for this browser. I tried, but there is no other way to view the scripts it exported in the proper format. You could follow the link to this browser’s website on my Connections page. Thanks.



    As you've probably noticed, some major changes to this site (including the appearance one, but I'm not going to specify here) are undertaken. After enduring a meaningless existence (literally) the MUSING page is taken down and its potential documents will now be posted under the ARCHIVE page. I got great plans for this website, but now I guess I will just have to stick to the basics. Also, the terminology things are now only available on the ReadMe page, because it is absurd to copy the same piece of material to another place within the same website when I could use links. I’m also trying to simplify the process of updating this site to induce myself to update it. A summary of such attempts goes as follows:

    • Terminologies (not that you really want to read) are taken from the ARCHIVE page.
    • MUSING page, non-existent as it has always been, does not exist in the TANGIBLE way anymore.
    • BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN scripts entry project is DROPPED.
    • Crappy ARCHIVE charts have undergone some simplification, as you can see, and please note that only the date of the parody script being added will be recorded on the ARCHIVE page (which means dates of additional revisions of the existing entry will not be shown).
    • THE ESSENTIAL SCRIPTS are now called THE ABRIDGED PARODIES!!!! (I don’t what the hell that phrase means, but anyway…)

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    Reborn (part II)

    Oh yeah, and sorry for the long absence. I wasn't available because...actually, for no reason at all. I would have said I vanished because my evil professors were forcing me to work my ass off and such, but that would be a damn lie because during my absence I also beat three PC games and finished dozens of parody scripts. I have more incentive to beat games and just write scripts, I think. Or it could also be due to the fact that I lost my jump drive, which contained the sole existing copy of all this website's UPDATED and soon-would-be UPDATED html files. Yeah, you can consider this a miracle, because this site still exists after such a disheartening catastrophe. The person who took my jump drive ... if you are actually reading this ... DON'T MOVE AND STAY WHERE YOU ARE. YOU ARE FOUND. YOU CANNOT HIDE. CAMPUS POLICE IS ON ITS WAY. FURTHER ATTEMPT TO ESCAPE WILL RESULT IN A CHANGE IN THE NUMBER OF YOUR STILL-ATTACHED BODY PARTS. YOU ARE DOOMED, DAMMIT.

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    Thursday, October 26, 2006


    As you can see, I've re-activated this blog to exploit it as my Angelfire parody-script-database update history page. I also changed its look to make it more like part of the database. I figured if update history page was going to look like a blog, then I might as well use a real one.
