Reborn (part II)
Oh yeah, and sorry for the long absence. I wasn't available because...actually, for no reason at all. I would have said I vanished because my evil professors were forcing me to work my ass off and such, but that would be a damn lie because during my absence I also beat three PC games and finished dozens of parody scripts. I have more incentive to beat games and just write scripts, I think. Or it could also be due to the fact that I lost my jump drive, which contained the sole existing copy of all this website's UPDATED and soon-would-be UPDATED html files. Yeah, you can consider this a miracle, because this site still exists after such a disheartening catastrophe. The person who took my jump drive ... if you are actually reading this ... DON'T MOVE AND STAY WHERE YOU ARE. YOU ARE FOUND. YOU CANNOT HIDE. CAMPUS POLICE IS ON ITS WAY. FURTHER ATTEMPT TO ESCAPE WILL RESULT IN A CHANGE IN THE NUMBER OF YOUR STILL-ATTACHED BODY PARTS. YOU ARE DOOMED, DAMMIT.
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