Tuesday, August 28, 2007

As this site has been silent for so long...

...I'm going to make some minor modifications that have little to do with improving the situation. For one, the Connections page has been updated, to include more links that I like. Also, the Contact page and the ReadMe page are also changed, to an extent similar to adding a punctuation (yes, this sentence IS left open for interpretation. Hehe.). Finally, I made some changes to posted scripts, i.e. Gone with the Wind: The Reduced Script, RV: The Reduced Script, Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith: The Reduced Script and Troy: The Reduced Script, mostly to correct grammar and awkward sentences and such.

Edit: I added the phrase "The Reduced Script" after the movies' titles, to avoid any confusion caused by this post.

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The 78th Academy Awards Ceremony: The Reduced Script

Jon wasted three and half hours of my life. Although, admittedly, every Academy Awards Ceremony to some degree wastes three and half hours of the viewer's life.

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